Update on 2025-2026 ELC Sustainable Rates Guidance

Update on 2025-2026 ELC Sustainable Rates Guidance
The Scottish Government has published an update outlining the planned timescales for the publication of their 2025-2026 Sustainable Rates Guidance, which will apply to those delivering funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC).

Childminders will be invited to take part in the development and testing of the planned survey, and we want to keep you informed on the progress of this. In the meantime, the Scottish Government has shared the following update: 

“The Scottish Government is currently working with COSLA to finalise the new sustainable rates guidance for 2025-26. This will confirm how the additional £9.7 million that has been made available for the real Living Wage uplift from April 2025 will be passed to providers. It will also provide updates based on the recommendations of the joint Scottish Government and COSLA Sustainable Rates Review. The guidance reflects input from the Sustainable Rates Review Implementation Working Group, whose membership includes sector representative organisations.

“We are seeking to confirm arrangements for 2025-26 as soon as possible and aim to publish the guidance in February. The final publication date is subject to the completion of governance and financial assurance processes which are underway now.

“Alongside this the Diffley Partnership are progressing with the new cost collection exercise. Drawing on the outputs from the programme of Provider Reference Groups held last Autumn they have started to prepare the survey and supporting materials. To support this the Diffley Partnership will also identify opportunities to build on the Provider Reference Groups for further provider engagement. This will include a small group of providers piloting the draft survey.

“We will update again as soon as the guidance is published and when we are able to set out more details on opportunities for further engagement.

“Thank you again for all the great work that you do to support Scotland’s children.”