Bruce Adamson became Scotland’s third Children and Young People’s Commissioner in May 2017. He has over 20 years’ experience as a lawyer and human rights advocate, working in New Zealand, Scotland and wider Europe. In the Winter edition of our Childminding magazine, Bruce talks about his new job and the UNRC.
An extract of the feature is detailed below. For the full feature
“As Commissioner it’s my job to promote and safeguard the rights of children and young people in Scotland and by doing this, to make a real difference in their lives. My role includes everyone in Scotland up to the age of 18, or up to aged 21 for anyone who is, or has ever been in care.
“Children have the same human rights as adults, but due to their age and stage of development they are also entitled to special care and assistance. They have the right to grow up in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding, and have a broad range of rights including the right to education and for that education to help them grow and develop to their fullest potential, the right to have a say in decisions that affect them, and the right to be protected from harm.
“The Scottish Government has legally committed to upholding children’s human rights, that’s their promises to children and young people. Those promises are contained in several human rights laws including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
“My role is independent of the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament. That means that I’m able to be fearless and critical in telling the Government where they are failing our children and young people, as well as giving credit where it is due.
“I work with a team of people and partner organisations to help children and young people in Scotland understand what their rights are. Only by understanding what rights they have; can they use them.
“As a childminder you are a special and significant person in many children’s lives. It’s in those key relationships between you and the children you care for that children’s human rights live. You are human rights defenders, and it is part of my job to support you.”