In May this year, SCMA attended a seminar on ‘Transitions as a Tool for Change’ that discussed early childhood and family transitions, and their influence on children’s day-to-day experiences and may have an impact in the longer term.
Transitions have become a way of life: for young children the first transitions may be in and out of early learning and childcare settings beyond the family and then later into primary school.
Following the original Seminar Series and the Succeeding Against the Odds Conference, the seminar in May focused on the following:
- A look at the opportunities, expectations and aspirations of early educators, children and families at times of transition.
- Understanding children's learning journeys, attainment and learning outcomes and the contribution of positive transitions.
- Consideration of children's entitlements at times of transition.
- An analysis of early educators’ beliefs and practices around transitions, and the contribution of transitions leadership to children’s and families’ experiences.
- An interrogation of the extent to which early years transitions and transitions to school provide new opportunities for family participation and professional engagement together.
Find out more about the seminar
SCMA was actively involved in the planning and organisation of this seminar, and and the newly launched
Scottish Early Childhood, Children and Families Transitions Position Statement.