How do you encourage reading in your childminding service? Do you have quiet story time? Do you read aloud as a group? Do you chat about the book once it’s finished? Do you read whilst cuddling your favourite teddy bear?
It really doesn’t matter how you do it, let’s just get more children across Scotland reading for pleasure. And children across Scotland are being asked to take up the challenge to read from a list of up to 100 books throughout the new school year as part of a Scottish Government initiative.
The First Minister’s Reading Challenge is designed to encourage children to read for pleasure and develop a life-long love of books. The scheme is being launched by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to coincide with the start of the new school term. It is supported by Scottish Book Trust, who will roll it out into schools for primary four to seven pupils across Scotland.
The challenge is designed to encourage children to achieve their own reading goals, choosing from a specially-selected list of 100 books chosen by a special panel of academics, experts and teachers.
The First Minister met pupils from South Morningside Primary School in Edinburgh at the Book Festival to launch the scheme, and took part in a special workshop with children’s author and illustrator Alice Melvin.
Speaking at the visit, the First Minister said: “Encouraging children to read for pleasure not only helps our young people develop vital language and literacy skills, but also opens up a whole new world of adventure and fun through the exciting and varied range of books suggested.
“Some of my happiest childhood memories involve immersing myself in stories so I’m pleased to have the opportunity to encourage young people to also experience the joy of reading for pleasure. I hope this scheme goes a long way in encouraging Scotland’s young people to see reading as an important leisure activity as much as a school one.
“The Reading Challenge will help support the excellent work going on in schools and communities, and sits alongside investment of £750 million over the next five years in measures and reforms to close the attainment gap in Scotland.”
Find out more about the Reading Challenge