Chief Executive of Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA), Maggie Simpson, said;
“The details of the Liam Fee murder trial have shocked and saddened us and serve as a reminder that we all have a duty to protect our children.
“Liam’s childminder Heather did everything she could to protect this child. Thanks to her professionalism and the child protection training she had undertaken as a childminder, Heather knew she had to log details of her concerns for Liam’s welfare and reported this to the appropriate authorities.
“As we know, even with the efforts of Heather and the local nursery in reporting and recording these concerns, unfortunately the outcome for Liam was tragic.
“SCMA will continue to support Heather and reassure her that she did everything she possibly could to safeguard this child.”
SCMA would like to remind our members that should you have any concerns for a child’s welfare you should follow the procedure as set out in your child protection policy. Log details of your concerns using your daily diary or the child protection paperwork free to download from the Membership Dashboard.
Guidance on child protection is also available to download from the Membership Dashboard at
We understand dealing with a potential child protection issue on your own can be daunting. All childminders can seek guidance and reassurance on any matter by calling our Helpline on 01786 449063 (Monday to Friday, 10 am – 4 pm) or by contacting the Care Inspectorate on 0345 600 9527.