If the Scottish Parliament was to pass a new law that allowed us to hit children, there would be an outcry – but such a law already exists.
Parents charged with assaulting a child can argue in their defence that they were using physical punishment. In law this is known as 'justifiable assault'. Today parents, children, professionals and policy makers know that physical punishment doesn’t work. We also have comprehensive international evidence that physical punishment can harm children’s long-term health and wellbeing.
Yet, our law gives children less protection from assault than anybody else in society, including animals.
Join the campaign to make a difference
John Finnie MSP is consulting on a proposal to give children equal protection from assault by prohibiting the physical punishment of children by parents and others caring for or in charge of children.
SCMA has responded online to John Finnie's consultation.
We would like to encourage as many members as possible to join Children 1st who have developed a quick survey - that only takes a few minutes - if you would prefer to respond that way. Take part in the Children 1st survey now
Read about the Children 1st campaign