Refreshed GIRFEC Materials from the Scottish Government

Refreshed GIRFEC Materials from the Scottish Government
Following consultation and engagement with organisations and individuals working in childcare – which launched in November last year – the Scottish Government has now published refreshed GIRFEC materials to support your practice. 

It is important to highlight that the overall GIRFEC approach remains unchanged; however, the values and principles that underpin GIRFEC have been updated in the refreshed materials, to reflect developments in relevant policies and practice, including children’s rights and the UNCRC.

SCMA will be looking carefully at the updated content and reviewing our materials, resources and tools over the coming months, to ensure they reflect the refreshed approach to GIRFEC.  

In the meantime, childminders are encouraged to read the refreshed materials via the links below: 

GIRFEC Policy Statement 2022 
GIRFEC Practice Guidance 1: Using the National Practice Model 2022 
GIRFEC Practice Guidance 2: Role of the Named Person 2022
GIRFEC Practice Guidance 3: Role of the Lead Professional 2022  
GIRFEC Practice Guidance 4: Information Sharing 2022
GIRFEC Statutory Guidance (Assessment of Wellbeing 2022)

GIRFEC Information Sharing Charter (Parents and Carers) 2022
GIRFEC Information Sharing Charter (Children and Young People) 2022 
GIRFEC Glossary 2022