The Care Inspectorate has today, Tuesday, 15 June, published its new draft
Quality Framework for Daycare of Children, Childminding and School Aged Childcare.
The primary purpose of the framework is for early learning and childcare (ELC) services, including Childminding, to evaluate their own performance. When it is finalised - it will also be used by Care Inspectorate inspectors to provide independent assurance about the quality of children’s experiences and outcomes within your childminding setting. By the Care Inspectorate setting out what they expect to see in high-quality care and learning, it can help support improvement within your childminding setting.
The Care Inspectorate started to consult widely during the development of the framework with the ELC sector and people who use services and had planned to launch the framework in spring 2020, but this was delayed due to the pandemic. However, you will be aware that since last Summer, the Care Inspectorate now carries out inspections focusing specifically on the new Key Question 5; How good is our care and support during the COVID-19 pandemic? Which mirrors how this draft framework is laid out.
Are You Ready for Key Question 5?
Childminders will already be familiar with the on-going self-evaluation procedure with the Care Inspectorate. You will already have systems and paperwork in place as part of previous self-assessments and you will be well versed in updating these regularly. However, Key Question 5 specifically asks childminders to evaluate how you have been supporting children and families during COVID-19 by gathering information and evidence to support how you have implemented the
national guidance for COVID-19, whilst ensuring positive outcomes for children and keeping them safe during this time.
The Care Inspectorate developed a step-by-step guide to help you with this and has produced specific
‘bite size’ resources on Key Question 5 to provide further support. You will be able to identify and recognise your strengths and possible areas for improvement. The guide also provides a selection of ‘very good’ and ‘weak’ examples to help you when you are reflecting on your own setting and practice.
It is really important that you read and familiarise yourself with the Care Inspectorate’s
guide to self-evaluation during COVID-19.
SCMA has been highlighting the importance of Key Question 5 since its introduction and we have been raising awareness of this in various editions of Childminding News - we also have an FAQ on our
Covid-19 support page.
What Do I Need To Do Now?
It’s important to note that the Care Inspectorate will not be using this framework for its inspections at this time but they are publishing this draft today to enable you to become familiar with the contents and begin to use it for self-evaluation of your childminding setting if you wish.
The Care Inspectorate plans to test the framework in some services between June and September.
How Do I Provide Feedback on the Draft Quality Framework?
The Care Inspectorate is providing an opportunity over the summer to comment on the content of framework. Once they completed the testing and consultation, the framework will be updated, taking feedback into account. Further details will be provided in due course on how you can contact the Care Inspectorate with your views.
The Care Inspectorate will notify childminders before implementing the framework into its full inspection programme - and you can keep up to date with the progress of the testing through provider updates.
SCMA will be taking some time to consider the draft of the Quality Framework, provide our feedback and also to consider what resources may be required to help support childminders in implementing this within your setting, when the final Framework is published.
For further information, please visit
Care Inspectorate
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