It’s all adding up to the launch of Maths Week Scotland

It’s all adding up to the launch of Maths Week Scotland

The Scottish Government is launching its first Maths Week Scotland, which is taking place from 11-17 September 2017. A variety of activities are being shaped up for the event and, even more importantly, they are counting on childminders to participate and tell them what they are planning.  

“Lots of numeracy learning takes place in a childminding setting and I am encouraging as many childminders as possible to send in photographs of their minded children experimenting with maths concepts,” said Maggie Simpson, Chief Executive of SCMA.  “I know childminders will have great photographs of their minded children at play with numbers and I really hope they will engage with some activity to promote maths over the week.”

Key themes for early years include outdoor maths, maths and play, and engagement and the week has been created so that everyone can experience the benefits, joy and beauty of maths in exciting new ways.  From September maths will be explored and celebrated in all its forms, marking its value in all parts of life, work and play.

The website provides information and resources and this will be updated over coming weeks and months. The twitter account @mathsscot would love to see photos of your activity and if you have any queries about the event then please contact