ELC Consultation: Information for Families

ELC Consultation: Information for Families
The Scottish Government has published ‘Information for Families’ to encourage parents and other carers take part in the ELC Service Model for 2020 Consultation and make their voice heard.

As featured in your summer 2018 issue of Childminding from SCMA, the ELC Service Model for 2020 consultation - which closes 29 June - sets out the Funding Follows the Child approach and seeks views on the proposed National Standard that underpins it. 

Previously highlighted in the Blueprint for 2020 Action Plan, funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) entitlement represents a substantial change for the ELC sector in Scotland, and the Scottish Government want to ensure that everyone involved in the sector - including childminders and parents - can provide their views on the proposed new service model. 

The Information for Families document aims to inform parents and carers of the proposed new model, what it means for them, and highlights specific areas of the consultation that are most relevant. For example:

- What does this mean for families?
- What you can expect from a setting providing funded ELC?
- What are the advantages of including a qualification in the criteria?
- Does the criteria capture the importance of outdoor learning and play?
- Does the criteria increase the choice of ELC for parents and families?

Read ELC Service Model Consultation - Information for Families from the Scottish Government; share with your minded families and ask them to get involved in the consultation and support childminding in Scotland.

SCMA is also encouraging childminders to have their say on the consultation, and we hope many of you will make your voice heard, if you haven’t already done so.  

Read more and get involved in the ELC Service Model for 2020 Consultation.