The closing date for the Out of School Care consultation is fast approaching and the team at the Scottish Government is looking to hear from childminders before Friday 6 December.
“We need to hear from children and young people, parents and carers, practitioners, teachers, youth workers, and those delivering out of school care,” said the Out of School Care team.
“We want to hear about what more we can do to ensure that we better meet the needs of children and families in relation to school age childcare and access to a range of activities for children round about the school day and in the holidays.”
To help inform the draft Out of School Care Framework, the Scottish Government and SCMA are encouraging you to support the current consultation.
Have your say on the Out of School Care Framework Consultation
Need a hand? ...or working together?
Parent Pack has been produced by the Out of School Care team at the Scottish Government to support people who would like to talk about the consultation questions in a group.
You can use this guide to help you facilitate a discussion with a group of parents or carers and use the form to record your answers and feed into the consultation process.