Autism in Early Years

Autism in Early Years
Childminders are invited to a free 'Autism in Early Years' event in Inverness, as hosted by NHS Education Scotland and Autism Network Scotland.

The learning event will take place on Saturday 3 December 2016 at Raigmore Community Centre, Inverness from 9.30am – 2.30pm, and is free to attend but booking is essential.

The session will look at understanding behaviours, practical strategies and how best to support families. There will also be time for a Q&A and the opportunity to network with other early years professionals.

To request a place at this event please email Jayne Porter, Advisor at Autism Network Scotland, on

Unable to attend this event in Inverness?
As a SCMA member you can access our ‘Working with ADHD and the Autism Spectrum’ workshop or e-Learning programme, which helps childminders identify key characteristics of ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder, and how to respond and communicate.