As you’ll be aware, the Scottish Government is intending to expand funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC), as part of their ambition to make Scotland the best place to grow up.
As part of our vision, SCMA want childminders to be more involved in delivering funded ELC and benefitting families, therefore it is vital that childminders have their say ahead of forthcoming discussions and before decisions are put in place.
By 2020, the government plans to double the free ELC entitlement from 600 hours to 1140 hours per year, for all three and four year olds and qualifying two year olds. Their expansion plans also aim to increase flexibility, accessibility and affordability for families.
The Scottish Government recently published their ‘Blueprint for 2020’ outlining their plans for the expansion of ELC and you are invited to give your views and have your say.
Read the Blueprint for 2020 consultation document in full
The consultation will close on 9 January 2017, and you can respond to the consultation online or by
post if you prefer to write.
Why should I respond to the Blueprint for 2020 consultation?
It’s important to recognise that your voices are the most important. Your views are the ones that must be heard in this consultation. It’s also vital that the views of parents - who may want to use your childminding service in the future - should raise their voice, and we’re asking you to encourage parents to play their part and respond to the consultation too.
We play a key role within the ELC Strategic Forum, which was set up by the Scottish Government and is chaired by the Minister for Childcare and Early Years to discuss the expansion of ELC. And as the only organisation in Scotland dedicated to childminders, SCMA will be submitting a formal response to the consultation. But we are only one voice.
There are 4,500 SCMA childminder members – that equates to 4,500 voices and responses, that cannot go ignored. It’s your voices that matter most!
How do I answer the Blueprint 2020 consultation?
As busy childminders, we know that time is sometimes a luxury, but it’s important that you read through the Blueprint for 2020 document to understand the government’s plans and how they could affect your childminding service.
To help, SCMA has selected a few questions that we think you’d be most interested in, and given you some key points that you may like to include in your response. However, feel free to answer all the questions and include as much detail as you like. Your views are just as valid as anyone else.
If you are part of a childminding group, you may find it easier to submit a joint response.
The Scottish Government really is listening to us, so please take this opportunity to tell them just how important childminding is for Scotland’s children.
Read SCMA’s guidance and key points (see Associated Document below) and then
respond to the Blueprint for 2020 consultation.
Associated Document
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file associated to this document. To download the file please
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